Technology transfer - the foundation for progress

The round table "Science and technology development and technology transfer" was organised on September 19, 2022, and brought together over 40 representatives of national institutions, the Delegation of the European Union to the Republic of Serbia, researchers, representatives of institutes, faculties and startup companies. The goal of the round table was to define directions for improving technology transfer policies.

Science, development and application of new technologies play an important role in responding to various challenges. The COVID-19 pandemic is one example of technology transfer and the application of scientific research in the defence of human lives.

“In the Strategy of Scientific and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia, we have foreseen that every scientific and research institution holds a position or has an organisational unit where researchers can be informed about the method of patenting, commercialisation of research, and available funds. It is important to understand that technology transfer has many facets and that we must complete the entire system if we are to see tangible results", said Saša Lazović, Assistant Minister in the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development.

In the European Union, 46% of researchers are employed in the economy (compared to 2% in Serbia). The number of patents in the EU per million inhabitants is 230 (compared to 50 in Serbia).

“Topic of science, research and innovation is in the very centre of interest of European Commission. That is one of the areas where funds have substantially been increased because we all realise that innovations and scientific development is at the heart of our economic development.  Without science and innovation, we fall back as Europe, and that is why we have to constantly and consistently invest in this area. On the bilateral side, the EU has put a lot of emphasis on support to this topic in Serbia. We have been working for a long time with Innovation Fund, and we have started cooperation with the Science Fund. Over the last few years, the EU has spent almost 100 million euros on this topic. Over 250 innovative projects have been supported with the EU funds”, said Martin Klaucke, Operations – Head of Section II, Delegation of the European Union to the Republic of Serbia.

One of the project activities was the preparation of a technology transfer analysis in Serbia, as the project aims to strengthen research and innovation through institutional support for innovative companies.

“Technology transfer should play an important role in scientific research and our country's overall economic development. The analysis carried out through the project indicated there is a potential and interest among the wider scientific community to be included in the process of technology transfer and development of innovation. However, it is important to continue working on creating a stronger ecosystem that can support these activities. It is critical that researchers continue to receive training in the protection of intellectual property, innovation development, and entrepreneurship”, said Jelena Begović, Director of the Institute of Molecular Genetics and Genetic Engineering. 

Last updated: February 28, 2025, 14:09